Recently, a friend asked me why I had decided to become a Georgia Master Gardener. After hearing my goals (thank goodness I didn't fall off my soapbox during my explanation! It's slippery up there!), she sent me the above image. I think that summarizes my reasons better than hopping back up on my soap box right now. Really, I had a tough workout this morning that included a 6 minute wall sit and so my gams are a little (read: LOT) too unreliable this afternoon to withstand any time on a slippery box. Having just healed from a fractured kneecap, I see no reason to risk further injury.
At any rate, this post is for anyone who would like to grow something this season but doesn't think they have the time/energy/equipment/know-how/resources/etc. Maybe you have visions of plucking a fresh tomato off your vine, slicing it and putting it, still warm from the sun, right onto some bread slathered with mayo. Or, you can think of few things better than biting into a crisp, cooling cucumber on a hot summer day. You could grow beans or peas or some fresh, leafy greens. Or, all of the above. And, the best part? You don't need a traditional garden, lots of space or all your spare time and money. But, you could use this:

These come in a variety of sizes and are not terribly expensive. To give you an idea, a 5 gallon Smart Pot, which would give you plenty of room to grow a tomato plant, is under $6. They are lightweight and space-saving. I could easily see these on a balcony. This website/store also has some excellent soil selections. And, even better, right now, you can buy a voucher valued at $100 for only $50 at Half Off Depot. Click here for the deal!
I bought the deal because I am planning to grow in a few of these this season. And, I am planning to start some seeds and want a prettier light fixture than what I could find at Home Depot or Walmart. I know, I know. But, in my own defense, it is not THAT much more and it will be in plain sight, not hiding out in the basement or laundry room. And, I just have a thing for that crisp, clean white. I am also going to build this, but that is an entry for a different day...